^0^ I rotated the songs...finally... LOL
AND! I made a new layout!! XD
Wow yesterday was funny ... -_-''
After japanese school ended, Karen, Jihye and I waited for my dad to pick us up~
A half hour passed...we called him 3 times already~ Hmm no one was home! o.o
Soo... I proposed the idea of walking all the way home (because we had no money for bus fare) X_X...
OMGWTFBBQQQQq IT WAS HELL.... It was a humid nice day out+2hour walk=GAAAAHH
OH GOD. I thought my legs were gonna fall off. Oh yeah. What else was even funnier? I had work yesterday. And I was late by an hour and a half!!!! X_X SHIT. I thought my boss was gonna kill me @_@; Luckily she didn't~ Phew ^^ Well she cancelled my shift :T
Oh well~ ^_^ It was fun though. I spent quality time with Karen and Jihye~ OHOHOH 2 hours worth of complaining!