Today I went to the Texas capital in Austin, Texas. I live like 30 minutes away, but I hadn't been there since I was maybe 12 years old. I mean, I go to Austin all the time, but never to the actual capital grounds. I went there to do some research for my thesis. I didn't actually get anything for the thesis done, per se, but I met a great contact who enabled me to do a lot of research tomorrow. So score.
Anyway, so like a million other assholes on the Internet, I fancy myself some sort of wonderful amateur photographer. Last fall I bought a digital camera. A few weeks ago I bought a big memory card for it. Today I finally took the inevitable next step and registered a flikr account (a paid one, even). If you click
here, you'll find all of my photos. Here are some pictures I took today, along with my as always riveting narration.
This is one of the 15 or so pictures I took of the capitol building itself.
This is another such picture that I'm really proud of for some reason.
This is a painting of George W. Bush from when he was the governor of Texas. In the big dome area of the capitol building, they have painted portraits of all the former Texas governors (and the presidents, from back when we were an independent nation!).
This is a picture of the Archives building where I was doing my research. It's across the stree from the capitol buliding. In case you can't tell, I really love taking pictures with skewed perspectives. I guess I think it's artistic or something.
This hummer/limmousine pulled up as I was leaving, eliciting photos from me and this family that was also sight-seeing. Some suspicious looking G-Men got out and talked on their headsets, then invited all of us to come "take a look inside." I was smart enough to quickly walk away. I'm sure that poor family is sitting in some dark prison cell being tortured even as we speak.
Well, that's enough photo-whoring for one day. All is pretty well with me. I'm in an inexplicable good mood. I won't be able to get my tattoo until after my birthday. I'm meeting with the tattoo guy on April 3rd so that he can take a look at what I'm wanting. After that, he'll probably take a week or so drawing up some stuff and then I'll get it.
Speaking of my 23rd birthday is on April 2nd. That's Sunday. If you are going to be in the Austin/San Marcos/San Antonio area that night, or can be, then you should come to San Marcos. I'm having dinner at Johnny Carino's in San Marcos at 7pm with whoever shows up, then going to drink and play pool with whoever follows. You should come.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to try to figure out something for dinner that won't cost money.
Peace and love,