I'm really not feeling bad at the moment...honest

Jan 10, 2006 03:57

I took Scout to the dog park today. I was really apprehensive about it, which is why I've been in San Marcos for a year and never taken her. But it went really well. She played nicely with all the other dogs and ran around until she was panting and foaming at the mouth from exhaustion. There was even a little kid there and she didn't knock him down...just licked him in the face a few times and then left him alone. All in all it was a really great experience and put me in a good mood. Then we came home and I bathed her and vacummed the apartment, which also for some reason lifted my mood.

Beau and I made up I guess. That is to say, he said to just forget about it and we're cool.

I got my Rogue to lvl 52 on World of Warcraft, which means I get to do Alterac Valley. That can be really really fun or really really frustrating, depending on if the match lasts 2 hours or 9 (I don't stick around for the whole 9 hours, btw). I've only been in four matches so far, two of each variety. It's really such a blast, even though I do get totally massacared because of my low level. If you understood any of that, congratulations. If you didn't, then I'm sorry, please keep reading.

Things with Celeste never happened. She strung things out as long as she could and then gave me the tired old "I just got out of a relationship with someone and I thought I was ready to date but I don't think I am, now" song a dance. Actually, it was over the phone so I guess it was just the song. I really didn't care, though. I just laughed and told her to have a nice day. Of course, now I have to find a new place to get my hair cut...

What is that, though? When you ask out a girl why can't they just say "no?" I mean, seriously...I'd rather be told no then be told yes and then dicked around for awhile later on. It's just like with that Alex girl I asked out earlier this semester. All she had to do was say no. Instead, she said yes...not just yes, but that she'd love to and that she was glad that we had run into each other. And we all remember what happened there [EDIT: It occurs to me that not everyone does. Basically, it took weeks to get her on the phone and then she gave one excuse after another until I finally said "fuck it" and stopped trying]. Why not just say no?

So yeah, I do care I guess. Not so much caring that it didn't work out. I'm just pissed at the way it didn't work out...the way she chose to do it. And I'm pissed with the situation, in that I hate being single and nothing seems to be going right in that department. I finally ask out a girl 5 months after Kelsea and I break up and she has a boyfriend. Then I asked out Alex. Then I actually meet a girl (Megan - btw, she and I are still really great friends which is cool) that really makes me happy and who seems perfect for me and we even have a really great first date. And then that doesn't work out because she's graduating and moving away. Then I get up the gumption to ask out yet another girl, and she just jerks me around (not in the good way). I mean...what the fuck? I hate to be cliche and bitch and whine about girls in my livejournal, but c'mon...this is getting really frustrating. Sigh...

In other news, my really good friend, Willie, announced tonight that he's now engaged to my other friend, Amy. So that's cool.

School starts again in one week. This semester should be pretty neat. I only have one actual class. In fact, there will be like a month and a half in which I don't have any classes. But that doesn't mean I won't have a great deal of work to do. Still, I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, not much else to say. Peace and love.
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