Yay for happy grade reports!

Dec 18, 2005 12:27

Oh yeah, so we got back our final grades for this semester:

HIST 5351B COLD WAR AMERICA ----------- A

HIST 5360 AM HISTORIOGPHY ------------ A

HIST 5345J MUSIC & SOCL MVMNT --------- A

Booyah! 4.0 again!

Sorry for bragging, but c'mon...it's my livejournal. If I can't toot my own horn here, where can I? It doesn't help that most of the people from my classes that I've hung out with over the weekend keep complaining about getting a B* in some class. And I'm extra excited about it because I thought for sure that I'd get one or two Bs this semester.

*I should clarify that in graduate school, a C is failing, so B is just passing. Thus, people aren't happy about getting Bs. Anyway...

In other news, my stomach feels like it's eating itself. I think staying up playing World of Warcraft until 6 or 7am every day is taking its toll on my body. It's not like that's all I do, though. Last night I was at a graduation party in north Austin until decently late, then John came over and we blew the dust off of my gamecube and played Soul Caliber 2, Tony Hawk 3, and Smash Bros. for at least a couple of hours. I was really happy to find that I haven't lost my touch hardly at all with Smash Bros., though I wasn't doing nearly as well at SC2 or Tony Hawk as I used to. Anyway...

I'm out for lunch. Peace and joy,
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