lawl priest nerf, more warrior buffs!

Feb 27, 2007 23:07
well PrOM is now a 15 sec CD rather than 20sec, but i hate priests who spam it in arena -_-.

* "Improved Battle Shout" talent renamed to "Commanding Presence" and now increases the health bonus from "Commanding Shout" in addition to increasing melee attack power from "Battle Shout".

Also I heard Commanding Shout's base was buffed by 50%.

Got The Decapitator( and Spiteblade( in one run, no rogues in our karazhan grp ftw. Decapitator on a enh shaman would be deadly since i think the crit rate is based on spell crit :O. Atleast the dmg is affected by enrage+deathwish and isn't mitigated by armor.
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