So to follow on from my last update, i'm still riding my bike regularly, and enjoying it. I'm much better now, but there are frustrating issues with being able to keep up with my friends, who seem to be much fitter than me.
The main thing happening right now is an ongoing episode of giddyness and ringing in my ears... continuous for a week now! The current diagnosis is Acute
Labyrinthitis, which apparently can last several weeks, with possible permanent complications. One possibility is Meniere's Disease, which is cronic and has no known cure. I'm having an MRI next week to rule out some other possiblities, but the MRI won't tell me about Meniere's Disease. Ugh, doesn't this sound positive? But with any luck, I could still recover quickly/completely.
At work, my department has been informed that we've lost the contract to provide
Cisco TelePresence support services... i.e. my main current role. The contract is going to another department within Cisco. It is disappointing to let go of this role, as I have been there to watch it develop and had opportunities to really become involved. But to look on the bright side, I could certainly do with some new challenges, and it will be exciting to see what comes next. I've spoken to my boss about reskilling to other areas of our department, and that seems promising. I've considered a few other roles within Cisco also, but for now it seems i'll stay with the same department, see how that goes. All this doesn't happen for another month anyway.
What else? Rent has gone up. My mum will have a friend moving in with her soon.
On a much lighter note, i'm researching origami for use in
Jonno's Christmas Bus this year... In particular, looking for simple designs to stick on the ceiling, to be made out of red and green wrapping paper. If anyone can figure out how to make
this star, please let me know! Or a basic pyramid shape with a base.