
Nov 23, 2005 10:54

My second checkout shift today, and i'm starting to get used to it. So far it's good because I've been on the express registers and I can nab someone nearby to ask questions if I need to.

On my break I discovered quite a number of missed calls on my mobile, some from BigW, others from my mum. I talked to my mum and she was wondering where I was, because BigW had called her and was asking why I hadn't turned up! Turns out the photo lab staff had somehow got the idea I was working there today, when in fact I was rostered on checkouts. Apparently, someone had called me and told me about this... Er, nope.

It turned out ok, I left checkouts an hour or so early and worked in the photo lab for a night shift.

This isn't the first time BigW has called when I'm already there- last time I was working away on the mini-lab, and I get a call on my mobile. There aren't any customers around so I answer it. It's the store manager asking me if I can work in the photo lab for the afternoon. Er... I've been working here all morning, and yes, i'm rostered to stick around all afternoon too!

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