In under three weeks, Melissa and I will be in Japan. Great Gannon's Ghost... this is really happening!
Last year, we found out that one of Shawn's favorite perks of being a teacher is travelling with EF Tours, a company that puts together travel packages for high school & college groups. So he's been to Italy, Grece, England, Spain, all over, and he told us that the 2008 trip would be to Japan.
Melissa has been fascinated with Japanese culture since she was little, and having Miho visit us from Tokyo, and her recent obsession with Anime and Manga have cemented "VISIT JAPAN" as #1 on her "To Do" list. We didn't have enough money for two tickets, so I was just sending her. She would have Shawn with her, it would be a guided tour, she'd be able to visit Miho -- this was just too perfect an opportunity to pass up.
I surprised her with the trip for our anniversary last year. I told her it was an anniversary gift... AND a christmas gift.. AND a birthday gift AND the next anniversary gift. But she didn't care that the next year would be a little lean, she would be going to Japan! Even better, she talked two of her friends into going with her.
Fast forward to today. Melissa is still going to Japan, but I have to come with her to escort her around. Which isn't a big deal at ALL, and I get to go to Japan! Woot! Seriously, I am used to helping her get dressed and pushing her in the wheelchair, now I get to do all of that in a foreign country that I also have always wanted to visit.
It's only a few weeks away, and it still seems like a far-off dream. We have to start packing and planning. First order of business was to sign up for the frequent-flyer program for our airline (imaine starting off with that many miles!), which I did on Monday. Justin's parents are loaning us a monster suitcase to pack, we just have to make sure Kendra doesn't try to sneak a cute Japanese J-Rock band member back in it. ;)
We'll be staying four days with Miho after the other tour people leave, and she's taking us to
Tokyo DisneySea! This place just looks too incredible for words. It's what Disney can accomplish with a virtually unlimited budget. Amazing.
I can only hope the 16 Hour(!) flight leaves me enough time to master the Japanese Language. As long as I can say "Pardon me, honorable sir. I am Gaijin looking for Handicapped Bathroom" I think we'll be okay.