Third || Revealed Truth -- Text/Video

Dec 21, 2009 21:01

The door in this room cannot be human technology. Even I fail to understand how a gateway so small can be contained in a series of crude wooden sticks surrounding the gate itself.
And yet... I saw Shakuras with my own eyes. How very odd.

Unfortunately I seem to have a creature that followed me inside. I am... at a loss for what to do with it.


[The text switches to a brief video where Zeratul sets down the Jigoberry on the table, bends down out of sight for a minute, then straightens up again with a bundle of purplish carapace, muscles, claws, and teeth...
But it's freaking ADORABLE and making these little 'meep'-ing noises that would make anyone with a rod up their butt go 'awwwww'.

Plus it's the size of a chihuahua.
A normal Zergling is at least as big as a Malamute. Or bigger depending on the genetic strain.

Zeratul's shoulders are slumped and he looks exceedingly put-out by his predicament despite the little Zerg critter gnawing determinedly on a corner of his shoulder plating.
What should he name it?]

text, baaaaaaad idea, event!, this protoss is not amused, video, the cute... it burns!

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