Steph: "Do you think they're eating them?"
Me: "Yeah, Probably."
"Yeah. They're probably sitting around the fire going 'I feel like Korean tonight'! or 'Southern Fried Sawyer'!"
"Ooh! White or Dark meat?!"
"White or Dark meat! I'd eat Saywer."
"Oh yes."
Me: "Oh look! Michael's whining again. It's not like he could go two minutes without whining about Walt. Give him back his boy and shut him up!"
Steph: "Awww...Sun is burying the bottle."
"Rest in peace, Sexy haired Jin."
"But he's not dead!"
"Oh right."
Me: "Hey! They have a hatch too!"
Steph: "*gasp* All the people are gone!"
"I told you they felt like Korean."
Steph: "I hate Ana-Lucia! Hate! Hate! Hate!"
Me: "Sources say a chick dies this season. Let's hope that it's her."
"Who put her in charge anyway? If Sawyer punched her, she'd drop like a ton of bricks!"
"Okay. You're stranded on a weird island. Your leader is either a giant muscular black dude or some skinny ass chick. And you pick...the skinny chick? So that's why there's only 4 of you left."
Steph: "Awww. Bernard."
Me: "You know, I thought he was gonna be black."
"Me too! They tricked us! Bastards!"
"Damn you, Damon Lindelof, for exposing my tendency to stereotype!"
I never know what's going on. And that's why I love Lost.