Not only am I waiting for word from WebDeveloperCo after a 2nd interview that went well, but I also managed to write some good PHP code recently.
I've been working on making a homebrew wiki for myself, and adding other functionality to it just for a laugh. The latest additions allow me to do several things, including a tag that not only creates a thumbnail for an image hosted on my server, but that also links to a wiki page associated with that image. So you could have a link like "wiki.php?title=/images/foo.jpg", and not only would you get to see foo.jpg, but there would be a wiki article called "/images/foo.jpg" dedicated to displaying that image and any wiki text you add to it. And of course, that text can include thumbnailed links to other images, among other things.
The slightly tricky part was making the code work on both my local server, and on my public website, but I eventually figured that out too. One day my entire home site will be composed of the stuff I'm building now, and that makes me happy.