The MP3 Files: Drive Transplant (or: Dr. Kermix To The O.R.)

Aug 13, 2006 17:43

Received a new Toshiba MK3006GAL hard drive this week, but didn't have the proper screwdriver to open up the iRiver and perform surgery on it until yesterday. Removing the old hard drive (R.I.P.) and replacing it with the new one was far quicker and easier than expected; no unidentifiable parts fell out. The device almost seemed to fail to boot, but a quick jab of the reset switch with a paperclip got it to load the iRiver firmware.

Of note: Swissknife formatted the drive just fine, whereas the format utility on the iRiver firmware simply said "Can't format". However, music is currently being copied to it, and passed a playback test. I declare this operation a success.

My iRiver iHP-120 (H120), formerly 20GB, is now 30GB of audio goodness.

eurotrip, mp3

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