Nov 29, 2005 18:51
ok. i gave in. i got a cell phone. damn wrestched little annoying things they are but i got one. a motorola razor to be precise. anyways, got the cheap cingular plan (450 day time minutes, 5000 nightime & weekday, rollover, no text messeging, no photosending, no net, no exc exc exc).
then again this means i can go phone number collecting from people, which is cool. but yeah, i still can't figure out how this damn thing works. all i need is to be able to do is turn it on, off, and call people. i do not need any more portable conveniences then that. which is why i don't understand why my brother wants that new lg phone, considering how he's broke and all. oh yeah, the phone came with a blue tooth headset, so i can look like i'm talking to myself. (yay?)
so right, remember that the e-mail is at (katt i demand your number).
... right. anyways i find that martha talk show very sad. today they discussed a) what to name her new cat, b) what order to put dishes into the dishwasher (steel away from silver), and c) how to do laundry. that was the entire show, and this does make me feel sad. then again i am putting together the family calender at the moment, so changing the channel is something i am to lazy to get up and do.
also picked up the first shadow hearts (2001) the other day. decent game it is.
also, should i consider it a conspirancy if the three newest employees to my store (eb games) are all from foot locker? very very suspicious indeed.