Decided To Start

Nov 28, 2005 19:35

Online Journal Attempt Number 3.

I've decided to get off "greatestjournal" for Meredith's sake. She keeps badgering me about how live journal is better so I give in! Also, I just NEVER updated the other one and therefore people became very bored with my AIM link. So Meredith while I can NOT compete with your novel of your life during november I will try (at a later time) to start accounting for my days here.

Today was the first day back from vacation and a sad one at that. THe vacation seemed to FLY bye! On Tuesday I couldn't do anything because I had dance but HAPPY BIRTHDAY to katherine then. So on Wednesday I went to lunch at Chilis then went to see Rent. I don't care if all the newspapers called it horrible I thought it was awesome. How can you not love a story about a group of druggie people suffering from AIDS and about to be evicted WHILE SINGING. I mean could u sing about that while incorporating a catchy uptempp beat? I think not! haha so anyways I want that soundtrack! After the movie I saw Meghan Liz and Lizzie home for the break. They are loving college which is good. Thursday was a day of FOOD food and more food. I went to my cousins house who had their other side of the family over-- and my sis and I were the only girls under the age of 40. Needless to say it was a day of football and Starwars with all the elementary school boys. mm sounds fun I know. Friday I went with Courtney to see Harry Potter which was really good and after that we went to the mall. I got a dress but im not sure i like it..oh well! Sat I pretty much did nothing and Sunday back to the mall to help Katie find a dress. I guess I fail at that because she didnt buy one :( haha so that was my awesome little vacation for you. ill try to keep up so if anyone is actually reading this they dont have to read a novel. until next time!
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