19. watch 20 new-to-me films made before 1960 (now 4/20)
Captain Horatio Hornblower, 1951
I liked it enormously. Gregory Peck was great casting, and there were some really wonderful bits in the movie that felt exactly like they should have. I never warmed up to the A&E miniseries version of the books, for whatever reason.
90. go off-property with Tristan 10 times (now 2/10)
92. complete 5 Training-level dressage tests at shows with Tristan (now 1/5)
buymeaclue and I took the boys to a dressage schooling show on Sunday. My goals for Tristan were to get him off property, keep him calm and sane on showgrounds, and execute a respectable dressage test.
All three were accomplished just great. He did SO well - everything from being tacked up to warming up to wandering around the showgrounds to hanging out on the trailer. The tests themselves were nothing to write home about - 63% on Intro C and 60.8% at Training 1 - but we did them. It gave us both lots of confidence. I can't wait to get him out and about in the spring now.
93. purge Tristan's equipment, sell or give away unneeded stuff
I've made some good strides in this goal. I pulled several things from his storage bins on my trailer and plan on selling a few of them. I also made the big step of submitting my Wintec saddle for consignment sale. It never fit him quite right, and I'm not using it. I bought it at a very, very steep discount and even after using it for years will actually profit on the sale. It's giving me a bit of pain to get rid of, but honestly - I have no use for it, and the money can do more good in Tristan's savings account, where it will possibly pay for showing, than the saddle can sitting in storage.