TITLE: Hi Ways and Bi Ways
kerkevik_2014 FANDOM: Doctor Who (New Incarnation/AU)
PAIRING: Amy Pond/Clara Oswin-Oswald)
PROMPT: Doctor Who - Amy/Clara - School - by
clarahow RATING: PG-13
"Hey Gwendoline, your shiny knight's here."
Amy punched her arm, warning her to play nice.
"Guinevere, and I'm fond of him," Amy growled.
'More than fond,' thought Clara with a pang as Amy; her once upon a sometime girlfriend (with a perfectly formed 'g') kissed Rory, taking his hand and returning to walk with him and Clara into their graduation ceremony.
She kept schtum about what they'd been up to in the college gardens an hour before; not least because Amy loved him, even if she couldn't see it yet.
And she kinda liked the thrill of a secret fling anyway.
Goddess watch over us all,
Kerk TehKek