TITLE: The Demon's Familiar
kerkevik_2014 FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S7 AU)
PAIRING: Anya/Willow
PROMPT: Anya/Willow - experiment -
requested by
vitiate_me RATING: PG-15
It had got a little sexy, and Anya looked so invitingly warm and Human.
Oh Xand, not another one?
It cut her to contemplate which of them was the real demon.
Then she; they were kissing.
At first, more her than Anya; who stiffened.
Willow began to retreat.
Until she saw Anya's face turn crafty.
Anya pointed out the cost of repairing the damage Willow had done.
There were ways for Willow to pay it off
And then there were ways.
It was just an experiment they both told themselves.
And, anyway, who said scientific inquiry couldn't be fun?
Goddess watch over us all,
Kerk TehKek