Fics for 2015 #049 ~ Shadows on the Wall (for femslash100 drabbletag6 request by vitiate_me)

Sep 23, 2015 04:14

TITLE: Shadows on the Wall
  FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S6 AU)
CHARACTERS: Anya(nka); Faith; Buffy; Xander; Dawn;
  PAIRING(S): Anya/Faith; Anya/Xander; Buffy/Faith;
  PROMPT: Anya/Faith - intoxicated - requested by
  A/N: This is a rewrite, and a re-casting of one of the most painful sequences in an already pain-filled Season 6; from "Entropy".

They found the last shadow too late.
   Too late for all of them; Xander saw them.
   So did Dawn.
   Buffy's rage was cold, but not for Anya; part of her called this karma for his abandonment.
   Hers was aimed at Faith.
   Both were drunk, and fucking in revenge.
   Her harsh words flashed back to burn her.
   Miserably she turned at Dawn's cry as Xander pushed her to the floor; near tearing the door off to escape the house.
   Suddenly she feared for him as he screamed his pain.

But they could hear the women's tears, or see them.
   Even had they wanted to.

Both fucked the other wishing they were someone else.
   Both loved with a pain so sharp they could find no other way to salve their mutual wounds.
   Both tore their hearts all the more in trying to mend them.

Neither knew the shadows of their misery were witnessed; too late the camera smashed by a tearful child miles away.
   Faith cried for a vengeance so terrible even the Human woman Anyanka had once been would have shrunk from it.
   Anya knew the cost of releasing that demon; perhaps sensed its approach.
   Faith could have no such release.

Goddess watch over us all,

Kerk TehKek

buffy/faith, xander, anya/xander, dawn, anya, femslash100, prompt posts, faith, buffy, 2015 fics

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