I can't do better than quote the title of the actual
article from The Register. Oh, and its subtitle:
Hysteria rages unchecked as minor incident winds down
I see that the media are still pushing the "Oh, panic, there's radiation" scare stories. Yes, there is -- and if you eat a few bananas then you'll get about as much as you would get in a day
Read more... )
World English Dictionary
blag (blæɡ)
-n 1. a robbery, esp with violence
-vb , blags, blagging, blagged
2. to obtain by wheedling or cadging: she blagged free tickets from her mate
3. to snatch (wages, someone's handbag, etc); steal
4. to rob (esp a bank or post office)
[C19: of unknown origin]
Sense #2 is the one I recognise. But I suspect that they think it's a variant of 'blog'.
A search turns up nothing informative about "blag." There's one other blog that uses it; it's about an Attorney General and hence is a blAG.
'Ouch' on the blAG (I suppose one about the price of silver could be a blAg)...
I think it originates as 19th century thieves' cant.
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