Snow day tomorrow! I couldn't be happier...and it's all based on a forecast of terrible weather. I would love if, come tomorrow, when we're all off from school, we got no snow. As someone who dislikes school and dislikes snow more, that would be wonderful!
So, in my attempt to become a better and more informed cinema-viewer, I thought watching Up in the Air would be a good idea, since it was nominated for so many Oscars and Golden Globes and other film awards. Shell thought it would be a good idea too. I was skeptical, because I hated Juno with a passion, and Jason Reitman also directed that. Bec didn't want to see the movie outright; she suggested we watch Eloise.
Well, about 15 minutes in, the film was already painful. The dialogue was "hip" and "witty" and all of the characters were so "cool" and "disinterestedly self-deprecating/detached." To make a long story short, it was Juno, just sans pregnancy and Ellen Page. Jason Bateman looked weird as hell though. It took me a couple of moments to actually register that it was him. So we decided that we would have to watch at leadt the first half hour to see if the movie would pick up, and as you all can probably tell, it didn't. So we (happily) switched it off.
But the evening was saved by a viewing of Moonstruck, one of my favorite cheesy films to watch! I don't think I'm ever not in the mood for some certified Nicholas Cage gratuitous overacting, and that night was no execption...I can't think of many things that beat Nicholas Cage roaring in a terrible NYC-Italian accent, "I chopped off my hand!" while gesticulating (or flailing) madly. He really knows how to fix a movie night gone wrong...
And then we watched Mad Men, which I have kept on meaning to get into, but when I first sat down to watch it like a month or two ago, I suddenly got really hungry and went off in search of food. So that was the end of that...but we watched the first two episodes at Shell and Bec's house on Saturday, and now I have Shell's Season 1 DVD's to watch. All I have left to view is the last episode, and then I get to start on Season 2. The girl crush I had on Christina Hendricks before, the one I had before I ever even watched the show, has increased about tenfold. Joan is my favorite character, tied with John Slattery's character, Sterling. And I just wanted to see Annie from Community, who plays Trudy. She's not in it much, and she is kind of annoying, but Shell says she gets better, so we'll see. Jon Hamm may be a gentleman and have a Gregory-Peck-type appeal, but I cannot stand Don Draper...he is a terrible cheater and womanizer and I hate him. But I think one of my other favorite is his little brother Adam. My heart broke when he hung himself...
She is could anyone not love her??