picture... photobucket said you could do this so I'm trying it.. haha.. work sucks.. people suck.. but I'm still alive even if half the world wished I wasn't.
It seems that 99% of the guys in my life have turned into dicks.. and the people that I didnt' get along with are becoming best friends... it's crazy how life goes... I duno I'm still running from getting in a relationship with anyone.. but as things are going right now.. I duno it's like time's running out for everyone so you kind of got to 'get it while you can'.. =\ but I don't want to be rushed into something and end up not being in love. so yea..
Rand left .. a couple of days back.. no one knows who Rand is.. or anything about him blah blah... but he's a friend .. a guy that was in love with me.. and I couldn't love.. he's a beautiful person and goregous and sweet... and he's a best friend but for the life of me I can't make myself just fall for the guy and run off with him.. but yea friends were causing some trouble and he has been around here for a couple of months now.. in and out and such.. he doesn't like to make a scene and so I don't talk about him much.. but I miss him.. even if I didn't see him alot when he was here and I probably won't see him any in the months to come just like the months before.. but I duno having him around brought back alot of old times.
I'm trying to figure out what I am going to do with all these holidays that are approaching.. augh I hate holidays.. I just want to relax on the few days off that I have and everyone has plans for me... grrr.
I duno.. I just want to be happy.. hoping that will come soon.