- Last Sunday was probably my mom's worst Mother's Day ever so on Monday we went to a movie + restaurant to make up for that. It was great <3 (J'ai enfin vu Bienvenue chez les Chtis, pas le film du siècle mais je mentirais si je disais que je me suis pas marrée comme une hyène).
thanael's Pullip doll is gorgeous. I'm actually glad I don't have money right now or I'd probably be wanting one (not a good idea)
- We had Clover spayed two days ago. She's fine, but it was a bit scary seeing her stagger around...
- The kittens started getting out of their box right after they came back from the vet. Now they just won't go into it again, and sleep in the basket we stuck in the doorway to stop them from exploring the rest of the house. It's cute. They're also trying to use the litter box (but are having trouble er...peeing on demand xD;;) and one of them already tried eating Clover's food. I'd share pics, but my camera only likes still subjects so I can only get them when they're sleeping or staring at me.
- Aaaand this evening I finally tried drawing again, in front of my TV (lol Prison Break).
Not my usual style but not too bad I guess. I love drawing Euphie's hair ♥
And this one's for
Minako, to whom I promised a Gino drawing weeks ago. I think he looks weird which is strange because this is the style I have been getting used to >.>