Mar 03, 2004 00:22
Okay - has anyone ever had a roomate that made you feel scared, worried, always wondering what she is going to do next?? Well, WELCOME TO MY WORLD. I have lived with many people in the past - in residence, in apartments, but I have NEVER ( and I do mean never )lived with anyone quite like this. She is totally unpredictable,and I don't know how to take her moods ( this coming from someone who is very moody herself ) I need outta here - I would never have agreed to move in if I had any idea how mad she was. Our other roomate just " puts up " with her, but I can't - and will not let someone like her walk all over me.
Well, if I end up missing in the next few weeks, someone show this entry to the police - cause she's about to go off the deep end, and who knows what she'll do.
Could some aspect of my life please go right? Just one, that's all I'm asking for.