what can I do so I don't ever lose you?

Feb 25, 2009 15:01

So apparently the comedy show tickets we have are for, uh, this Friday? Not April? lol. Yay, I have weekend plans now... and at least I don't have to worry about anything conflicting with sectionals. *bounces* can't wait!

Also, to anyone here who knows more about Rock Band than I do (matrarch?)... does anyone know why, when you sort your library by artist, certain songs are listed by album and others aren't? Does it just automatically do that when there's more than one song from the same album, or could it be a hint at later full album releases? Now that I think of it, it's probably the former, but I really hope it's the latter because Bleed American is one of the albums listed and it would be awesome to have a full Jimmy album on there. :D

I need some new music, though, in general. I'm pretty well burned out on my current mp3 library. Because apparently over 3 thousand songs isn't enough. I've got a bunch of new albums I haven't listened to yet, but... meh, they're mostly more of the same from artists I already know. Anybody want to point me in the direction of something new and spectacular? One of the handful of you who don't listen exclusively to power metal or country? :P

... *squirms* I want to go running. Or geocaching. Or just sitting outside with a book. WHY IS THERE STILL SNOW ON THE GROUND. It's really weird, my body thinks it should be warm outside and is going OMG LET'S GET OUT IN THE SUN but I still couldn't go out there without three layers on. Cognitive dissonance sucks. *sadface*
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