After all these years...

Sep 22, 2009 11:27

When I woke up this morning I finally allowed myself to be angry.

Angry with CBS and P&G (a company based right here in my state) for being bigoted idiots, and with the writers and producers for being cowards, but mostly just angry that it is 2009 and I feel like a second class citizen.

And before we reach ridiculous levels of insanity… yes, I know it is just a soap opera. That’s not the point. The point is that despite the actresses’ willingness, nay desire, to portray a loving and intimate relationship, a mutual kiss was never even filmed let alone shown. It just makes me feel dirty and sad, and a bit like the 17 year old girl I was in high school, madly in love with my best friend and bound by some unspoken rule that to let anyone see us kissing was to destroy the world as we knew it.

I’m 33 now, and have spent half my life loving women. I have been told I’m going to hell and that I’m intentionally hurting my family. I’ve been abandoned by friends, called names, and made “unwelcome” at church, school, and in sports.

What exactly is so threatening about women loving women? I still don’t get it after all these years.  Already I can feel my anger fading, and in it's place just a deep sadness.  There are so many things wrong with this world, and to quote my mama... "When we erradicate war and hate in the world, then we can start picking on people for love."
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