A somewhat amusing story...

Apr 08, 2010 23:07

School started again yesterday...and with 25 new faces amongst the teachers, I'm not entirely sure I'm going to get anywhere with student names this year! Though thankfully, two of the teachers are actually old hands back after one year of teaching somewhere else.

This little anecdote concerns one of them.

After school was over yesterday, I wandered around looking for one of my English teachers to ask if we should talk about what we're going to do this year for one of 1st year subjects. Couldn't find him...but a couple students whom I've been chatting with occasionally during the last year were hanging out with the teachers in one of the staff rooms. So I popped in to chat too, asking them about the year, and one of them (the boy) said the following with regards to one of the returning teachers...
  • "~sensei remembered me..."
  • (Me) "Eh...doesn't that mean you weren't a good student? Because (that teacher) mentioned said at the opening ceremony that if he doesn't remember you..."
  • "No...what happened was that I spoke to him first, because he taught me in first year, and I asked whether he remembered me. He said he didn't remember my name, so I told him...and then he said "you've become more girlish, huh?"
  • (Me) Really? *almost doubling over in laughter*
  • "Maybe it's my skin or something..."
  • (Me) *still laughing my head off*
  • "Sensei, aren't you laughing a bit too much?"
I'm sorry...it was just too funny...
but you know...that kid really has become prettier over the past two years...
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