The importance of teaching slang...and swear words.

May 16, 2008 22:52

It happened for the second time today: a student beckoned to me, and launched into asking what the following phrase meant.
"I want to **** you."
(I'll leave you to fill in the blank.) The difference between this and the former occasion was that it wasn't a quiet enquiry following the JTE's departure, but rather a call from the second floor of the clubhouse to me standing in the carpark about 10 metres away. Said student proceeded to clarify the particulars of the above phrase with me, all in a pretty loud voice. I can only thank God that no other teachers were nearby: from experience, swear words are likely to be amongst the first things that adults (particularly younger ones) learn to understand.

I appreciate the curiousity of this particular student, who is in the 2nd year English class, and who is the main person who's been quizzing me on useful English phrases...I just don't appreciate these kinds of questions...

teaching, jet

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