May 22, 2005 23:23
it's me checking in... let's see this week was looong, why, i dunno, i guess it has to do with the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING to do around here, but I managed to have fun. So Monday was that deposition, I think it went well. My dad and I arrived on time to Lenahan and Dempsy, I was going in for questioning at 11am, we sat in the lobby until 11:20 and finally saw the plaintiff and her lawyer come out of the conference room and go into another, and my attourney came out and talked to us, she said "this woman is insane" and that she needed at least 20 more min with her. She told us after I was done that this woman is the worst witness she had ever seen, everything was "I don't know...", "I'm not sure...", "I don't remember..." etc. etc. One thing I was told to do was not speculate, so I didn't.. I finally got in told the lawyer like it was and that was that, he seemed to be on my side, couldn;t even stand his own client! HA! BUT, if she wants a jury trial, she can get one, so hopefully her lawyer can talk her out of it because a jury would hate her. Anyways, the moral of the story is: If you're going to get in a car accident, make sure it's not with a crazy person. So yeah, I did some stuff this week, but Wednesday was the big day!! STAR WARS!! Yes the final installment, it's here and we were ready, midnite showing!! We left at 8:50ish, got there and much to our suprise, there wasn't much of a line anywhere, but people were dressed up!! Oh the excitement, one guy was dressed like Indiana Jones...he was confused and we wanted to kick his ass... so as I was waiting, Kristen and Newkitty walked in, they decided to see the movie at the last possible minute. They started letting people in the theaters pretty early, so from 10:00 on that's where I was, rough. There were alot of phone calls being made. But the movie was worht every minute of the wait and then some, best ever. After the movie, Rachel and I battled with our spoon sabers, and Bartley, Newkitty, Kristen, and I decided to go to New York 6 hours from then, ha, so we did. It was a good time, a lot of walking to get to the Puma store, but I can always use the excercise. Kristen and I got passes for an exclusive spa, and Bartley got comedy club tickets, so we're going back, yeahhh. Yesterday I had a DU reunion with Lauren and Lisa at TGIFriday's we spent alot of time sitting talking in the restaraunt, and probably more time outside in the parking lot thinking of something to do. We had an intermission at Sheetz for an hour and came back before my people arrived...we went on a hunt at Lahey for Kristen's phone, which was with them the whole time...losers. I then went with Lauren and Lisa's to some random girl's house in Moosic for a party, there was a lot of booze and a hot tub, I didn't partake in either no matter how bad my urge for both was. It was fun nonetheless, next time when I'm prepared that would make for an awesome time. Today we took a trip to Ashley and Kristen's (and everyone's) Gram's for a cook-out, it was a lovely time as always, and we're going camping in Niagara Falls! It's been so long, I need to return to the promise land...aaannnnnyyways, I hate journal entries, bye!