Woo! Today I was sitting in my room watching a movie (Juno - good flick!), I felt this weird sort of "bump" from behind the bed, and heard a little rustle. I assumed one of the cats was trying to claw her way up the curtains and fell hard. But the cats weren't around. And then there was another bump & shake, and one of my teddy bears fell off the shelf above my TV. I looked outside - no weird trucks or anything. (Although, thank GOD there is finally a sump pump draining the 8-inch-deep lake in the parking lot... but I digress. ;) Next thought: was that an earthquake?? There are earthquakes here and I haven't felt one yet... I check the newspaper site - nothing. Hmm.. better pay attention because Juno is totally dancing with Mark.
But an hour later the movie is over and I check the newspaper again -
www.adn.com/news/environment/earthquakes/story/751651.html I was right, bitches! EARTHQUAKE!! :) Woo!!
Now I can check a small earthquake and being lightly coated with volcano ash off my list of exciting geological events in Anchorage. And now I can start praying that neither ever happens again because I certainly don't want to be involved in an actual natural disaster. :)