I've been meaning to respond to the comments on my previous post, but frankly, you all blew me away. Thank you all for everything you said. It really made me feel very fortunate that I have such good friends from all over the world. (Sorry for the comments being screened - that wasn't meant to happen! I did unscreen 'em all as soon as I realised what was going on.)
For me, what came out of that last post - apart from getting a lot of stuff off my chest! - was how women in widely differing circumstances often shared similar feelings of being "not good enough" or not living up to what they could (or is that 'should'?) be doing. Achieving our true potential. But whose potential is it? Ours ... so shouldn't *we* be the ones saying whether what we're doing is 'good enough' or not?
pisceth said, it's a hurdle we all face and maybe we can help each other overcome it ... that's something I want to think about. Maybe some sort of blog, or site, where women can post their most basic achievements? I'm thinking things like, "Got up and dressed this morning!". "Made it through till 10am without yelling at the kids!" "Went a whole afternoon without feeling fat and frumpy!" Or whatever really small thing you did/felt/made/said that has left you with a smile on your face. Because, let's face it, we all get kudos and congrats for the big things but the small ones ...?
Anyway, it's something to consider.
I had an interview on Monday for a lecturer's job. Don't know when I'll hear the result but the longer I wait, the less I think I've got it. I've been deliberately downbeat about this one (I never want to feel like I did last time again!) so, well, we'll see.
*hugs* to you all, my friends, and please let me know what your mini-achievement has been! Yesterday I bought kindling, which is one of the two things Alex specially asked me to do. I eventually managed to do job number two, which was cook the meat in the fridge before it went off and had to get thrown out, but I did it from 2.30am till 3.30am this morning! Still, job done!
And I'm reposting this because I screwed up the comments (again!). Hopefully they'll work now!)