Jan 08, 2005 23:38
well not to much has been happening around th ol haven.....
i figure maybe i should dedicate a little more time to my journal.
can't ait till the atreyu consert next month!! yay i <3 them...
i get a car soon not the one that i was gonna buy yesterday but
one i was gonna buy back in june... pretty sweet
can't wait i am going to jump back in the local music scene a soon as possible
went to disney quest with jacob and robbie last night
it was.. [alright] they had the first version of ddr
i am so glad that they made it so much better now..
city walk's arcade has been closed down so no extreme lately
but i am starting to play on heavy! yay
well that is all for now
up date later
[i love jacob]
[i love u too brandie!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
u spin me right round
baby right round like
a recordplayer