May 05, 2007 03:03
k so I have not been on here in MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
IT is 3 am and I am desperately trying to paint parts of my costume to wear in like 9 hours to JAcon
I will only be there for a few hours but I don't want to let my friends down. Hopefully I will be able to hang out more with them.
IT was really boring today at JAcon also. I really hope that saturday is better because if it isn't then I think I may have to cut this one out of my yearly convention circuit. Not sure yet .
The game room is really small and I can not believe they put the registration room on the second floor !!!!!!
Most peopl didn't even know where it was.
But oh well I need to stop typing and finish painting so I can get some sleep ^_^
nite every one
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