May 16, 2007 23:34
I don't know if I've ever been more excited to be at home. I am no good with goodbyes, so if I didn't give you a proper one, my apologies. But those of you who live in Kentucky will probably hear from me this summer! My last actual final was Monday, but I had a paper to write for Tuesday and didn't finish it until around midnight on Monday, but by God I left that night. Irene and I packed the shit out of my car (no really, it was miraculous: there were around 10 garbage bags and lots of other stuff in my small Mustang,) and I left at around 1 in the morning. By all rights, I should have waited to leave until Tuesday morning, but I refused to spend another night in that place. I was totally done.
And now my job at the chemical plant is secure, but I had to tell Corey I wouldn't be coming down to camp this summer, which really sucked. I love camp, and I want to work at another one before school is over, but right now is just not a good time. What with going abroad and the exchange rate from hell, I need to save up all I can. Plus, what with the divorces and illnesses going on in the family, I really need to be here this summer. On a different note, when I had to go get a physical for my job, I swear that doctor felt me up. I mean, was it really necessary for him to start out listening to my heart while standing up, and then practically sit in my lap and press all over my chest (and I do mean my CHEST) and listen to my breathing for about 5 minutes? I feel that was a bit much.
And now I'm getting back with my old high school friends and I am reminded how much I love them but how much I am glad that I was able to go away to school. I couldn't handle staying in this town for the rest of my life. Couldn't. I would go insane. AAAAAAH.
Lurve lurve.