Oct 29, 2006 01:13
I'm been soo dead for years o_o;; well... months.
I don't wanna close my account T_T;; I still want to have my beautifal banners T3T, so I will tell what has happened to me.
Let's start n.n with my Beautifal grades for the 10th weeks, let me search for them right now!
-after some time-
T_T I can't find them! Well I can say I got them all +A in general I had 95 A.
-Chemistry - 92 "My mom is soo happy for me TT_TT"
-Math- 96
-Religion- 91
-Spanish - 95
-Art- 100
History- 96 ...
Those are the ones I remember clearly ;-; Sorry...Still my mom said for every +A she would pay me $$$ ^^
-laughes- Yep I'm a lucky rich.. well almost rich. It's soo tough, in a week they gave me like 4 oral reports o_O **** them.. Oh well, more money for me! And luckily cause of that I have become so HEAVENLY sociable O_O I lost count on friends, even people soo respect me. They even laugh so much, I pass on a paper of coments, and they wrote what they thought of it. One of the comments shock me it said "I almost believe I was watching Comedy Central" n_n;
Now am working for real, being a cashier with in my dad's restaurant once a weekm meaning less time to study, and more pressure. ^^; Yes more payment.
Yeah right now, I'm sooo happy spending time with Uty T3T she's being the best, same for Nany. I sometimes get a little bit too possesive when they try to get her away from me, or lay a hand on her. o_O; I almost think I'm her parent.
In LOVE I have a lover now n///n My Yaoi-Smexxy manga, yesh I have a collection over sasu/naru mangas, plus 100 yaoi mangas. ^_^ I'm so happy with myself, I just can't bare is soo true! -giggles- I hope Evercool hears this >w< Yep *_* it's so heaven-like. You hear me I don't need anyone's love! >_> Except mommys, familys, uty's, and nany's. -blushes- Yeah >///< I WUV THEM BIG!
I know on Deviant Art I have been DEAD to T_T; but is hard! I want to study hard so I could get scholarships, and not pay a thing for my university, I don't want my parents to pay. ;-; Yeah I'm still love-dovey.
As for my lost lost friends at mns, yeah you guys ;-; I think you won't see me on for more than a month AGAIN. >_>; My father wants me to go to Mexico again. Sorry..
Well then that has been a lot of Info n_n;;
Love Bunch! Kaleido Piñacolada!