Oct 10, 2005 16:42
Noo ..-shakes her head laying down on cough- It's not fair, when get my internet back, suddenly a bad coughing, low breathing, nauseas, headache when loss connection and with the raining.. Mostly have to drink some evil stuff..food to me is poisonous.. loss count on nauseas -sigh- I won't calm myself down, but I feel soo weak -tries to stand up- .. and lazy. -shrugs- I havn't gone my grades, this is bad.. I really want to see if I'm alright. I hope I feel better in the night >>; so could talk to my buddies.. specially mommy, and daddy. (-will try out some wake up from couch pills -)("hope they don't have side-effects") And.. well -yawns- Better take some nap.. and do my homework.. Forgot school was forgetfull didn't wanted to be nice at folks.. felt bit spaceless, or numb.. dunno.
Finally got Power Link.. and it's really fast. I can't say the waiting was worth it because.. I'm so sick it hasn't stop raining -puts on cozzy jacket- Hope to talk soon, Really care for you guys.. and the grades -sniff-
Could Care,