Placeholder post

May 14, 2009 21:04

I'm a reference associate for a library in northeastern Ohio, at least until I start my MLS next fall. Until then, I get paid to look at the Internets or read ride shotgun for the reference librarians, and to write or knit manage a little candy store on weekends.

I generally like people, but I am an introverted person and working with the public can leave me pretty moody and stressed. I do tend to vent without thinking first (if you see me say something stupid, chances are that's what I just did). I can get a bit snobby and cranky after a rough day, but I promise that I'm not really that way all the time. All the same, my bosses don't need to know about it, thus secret stealth journal.

I was a history and creative writing major in college, and those are where my real passion lies. I'm hoping to get my degree in research libraries so I can hide in the back room of some little museum all day. Or at least get paid to do that. I'd tell you more about myself, but I think that it gives a little too much away if I tell you that my name is Rhonda Smith and I live at 124 South Euclid Boulev*--

Aww, damn it!

Anyway, I thought that with my email blocked, I ought to leave a way for people to get in touch with me. Anything you need to say to me goes here.

* No it isn't and no I don't.
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