Kingdom Come: Masterpost

Nov 03, 2012 23:42

Title: Kingdom Come
Author: kerfuffling
Artist: scarletscarlet
Genre: Wincest curtain!fic, mpreg
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word count: 20.6k
Warnings: usage of a woman in a vaguely antagonistic way, domestic violence (not with Sam or Dean) and mpreg
Author's Notes: A thank you to the mods of the SD MiniBang challenge and to my friend, Snoofie, who did the first read-through. And absolutely, the hugest thanks to my pinch-hitter artist scarletscarlet who made absolutely gorgeous art in a short amount of time AND was gracious enough to help with beta-ing to get to the finished project. This fic would be a lot worse without her ;)

Summary: After getting knocked up in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, this time should be easier. Instead of wayward Gods, Leviathans, and running for his life, all Sam has to deal with is his suburban life, and there isn't much of a challenge there. Well, okay, maybe his daughter has formed an unhealthy bond with the family dog, and maybe Dean's best friend should butt out and find someone else to pine after. And sure, Sam still has to deal with the fact that he's a pregnant guy, which is pretty much the crappiest situation ever. So perhaps things aren't quite as peachy-keen as he thought they were. Featuring Chester the dog, Reagan, the psychotic tomboy daughter, Mona, the best friend with not-so-good intentions, and in the middle of it, Sam and Dean trying to figure out how they fit together in this whole screwed-up scenario.

A sequel to my 2012 big-bang, linked Link Here!

Link Part One
Link Part Two
Link Part Three

AO3 Version

Link to Art Masterpost: Link Here!

spn big bang 2012, fic!, pairing: sam/dean

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