Creative Muses November - Have you lost someone

Nov 08, 2009 17:36

a) Have you ever lost someone close to you?

She hadn't been prepared. Despite the years that she'd spent in the village of Haurvatat and people coming and going with regularity, Willow hadn't been prepared for her own departure. She knew that it was inevitable and the actual leaving of the village hadn't been the problem. It had been the first night sleeping apart.

The empty pillow without the impression of someone sleeping on it when she first woke up in her dorm room had been the hardest. Though her body being used to sleeping next to his night after night had been equally hard to adjust. The majority of Willow's twenty years had been on her own, waking up to a solitary bed had been a part of her life that she gave it little thought. Until now. Now, she was keenly aware that Legolas wasn't beside her. It had been a month and waking up alone with Buffy quietly sleeping in the other bed in their dorm never got easier.

Willow lay on her bed for a moment, closing her eyes and recapturing the times that she'd spent in his arms. She felt the bond between them though it was as tenuous as a spider web, it was also very comforting. It made her more determined than ever to find her way back to him. She'd promised Giles and Legolas that she wouldn't put herself or others in danger and she wouldn't go back on that. She hadn't promised not to exhaust any means necessary though.

Her fingers came up to lightly play with two things that she had with her always. The amulet that Hrothbert had given her to find him no matter where he was and the token from D'Hoffryn. They were two powerful men and between them, she should be able to figure out a way to get to Legolas.

Muse: Willow Rosenberg
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 306
A/N: Legolas is lasgalenlegolas and is based on RPG play set in an AU S4.

creative muses

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