Creative Muse June Prompt - Bird Nest

Jun 03, 2009 11:50

Bird Nest by Virginia Leone

She was young, little more than five or six years old but her curiosity about the world around her was strong. Willow had passed the why stage of why is the sky blue, why is the grass green, her questions were more thought out but they were still there. Her need to find answers would always remain a constant in her life as her parents encouraged her to find out things on her own. It would be when she was older that she would realize it had more to do with not wanting to be bothered than it was to give her independence.

Curious green eyes took in everything around her but they zeroed in on a bird's nest that could be spotted from her bedroom window. Every day, Willow would watch the momma bird as she sat keeping the eggs warm. Days turned into weeks and she watched with breathless anticipation the arrival of new life. Finally, it happened and Willow watched with not a little jealousy the tender way the mother took care of them bringing home worms and other delicacies. When it was time to leave the nest, Willow was there watching life as it happened outside of her bedroom window.

Muse: Willow Rosenberg
Fandom: BtVS
Word count: 204

creative muses

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