Dec 12, 2003 15:54
Lookie here. I have a livejournal. Thanks all to Jeanine. *She bows respectively.* The plans for this weekend are as follows; 1. Look at this riddle until my brain rots. 2. Go Christmas shopping. 3. Sleep. 4. Go to dance. 5. Shower. 6. Christmas party with Step-mom's side of the family. 7.Sleep. 8. Sleep in. 9. Look at the riddle. 10. (Insert friend related activity here.) 11. Sleep. 12. Go to school. (-.-)
I have to urge to play paintball. (Ryan. Andy. *Cough.* Ryan. Andy. *Cough.*) Any of you peeps willing? ^.^
I can't find anything to say, but typing my thoughts is amusing me. This little device is becoming quite addictive.
Any death relating moments, seeing of the dead, spiritual breakthroughs, suicidal thoughts, etc. call me at my dad's after dance and at my mom's before dance.