My Friday Five x 2 (EDITED)

May 05, 2006 07:41

Fun for everyone. Feliz Cinco de Mayo everyone! Seems there are two versions of the Friday Five roaming the Earth today. I'm sure there are many, many more but here are the two I've seen thus far.

1. Have you ever been to Mexico? Yes, Cancun, summer of 1995

2. Do you know anyone who is currently in the military?
Yes, two cousins one in the Army (West Point) and the other in the Navy (Maine)

3. What is the last party you attended? My birthday party in January

4. What do you think about President Bush saying that the United States' National Anthem should only be sung in English? Didn't know he said it, don't really care.

5. French fries or freedom fries? If what another person said is true about it being named for a person, I don't care. Hell, I don't actually care if they came from France. I mean the Coneheads came from France...

Friday Five #2
1) Do you like your birth-name? Why? I hated it when I was younger. Once I realized the significance of the name I grew to appreciate it.
2) If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be? When I was a kid I wanted to be a "Chelsea" so badly. Now, not so much.
3) What names would you consider giving your children? Even though I don't want children I have actually thought about this, just in case. Boy - Montgomery Everett and a Girl - Brooklyn (no middle name yet)
4) If you had a band, what would you name it, and why? It would probably be something totally random like "Buttermilk" or something. Oh wait, that is my band name. heh
5) Is there a name that you completely hate? Why? For a long time I disliked the name Lesa. heh


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