My life at the moment.Work. Derby. Family.

Sep 27, 2007 14:25

My life at the moment.
Work. Derby. Family.

I have a job, but I feel replaceable and am in a constant state of fear that they’re going to realize they could hire a ‘slightly more intelligent then the usual’ monkey to do my job, (Monkey looks like donkey but then why don’t we say dun-kee or mon-kee?) and fire me.
It was terribly boring at first, nothing to do, but now there’s more to do and it feels much better. There is nothing worse than sitting around from 8 to 5 just staring around the room.
The people are so far really lovely and I’m getting paid much more than I’m use to, $15 an hour which leaves me with plenty to play around with. The only problem is I would prefer to go back to $10 an hour if it means finishing my business admin traineeship; it looks so horrible on my resume, ‘business admin III - 2 modules remaining’.
However I’m pretty sure my boss thinks it’s a whole lot of bother she can’t be bothered with. I would feel so much more secure though, financially and just in general. I would have to be permanent while I finish my traineeship and it’s a contract so they can’t fire me. I know that I was made redundant in my last job and was too upset to go back even though I knew they weren’t allowed to do that and I could have just as easily refused and gone back to work there to finish off my traineeship (which was just a month away but I’m sure you’ve all heard me bitch about this in the real world). It was my first job and my first experience of being ‘let go’ so I was upset as all of you can imagine fragile little Kelly would be in that situation.
One good thing about working there was the fact that I had THE worst boss ever, there are no words to describe so that you can know what he was like. You really would have to work there to even get a slight grasp on how fucked up he was. I’ll rant about that later, I really should keep a record of it, so in the future if I have a bad experience with a boss or supervisor et cetera, I can look back on that, remember what it was like and be thankful I’m not there anymore and see the positives in my current situation. The point of this was to say that I have gained something out of having ‘Ian’ as a boss, I’ve grown some big rat balls, I can stand up for myself a lot better. I’m still me, I’m not exactly aggressive (unless I’m drunk :P), I’m just not as fragile and timid as I use to be. But then again it always depends on who I’m around.

I love skating, I love my team, I love derby, I love my skates, I just really really love derby. I haven’t been able to go much lately it’s been one thing after another, first I’m too poor to pay for training, then I’m sick once I get my tax return, then I get a job and can’t go because I wasn’t getting enough sleep!
Everybody else In my team and probably the other team as well (but I’m not sure because I haven’t seen them much) have been progressing, moving forward, learning new things and getting better at the old things. But because my attendance at practice has been so sporadic and infrequent I haven’t progressed at all in fact it feels as if I’ve gone back, I feel clumsy on my skates, clumsy and incapable.
Good news however, I should be able to get my license soon and I have a car (through horrible circumstances but a car none the less) so then I can take myself to and from training Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday!
There is no feeling to me like skating, and I just can’t wait till I’m good enough to skate everywhere. Rich enough to buy a separate pair exclusively for outdoor skating and skate my GAF arse off.
I feel like I’m letting my derby team down by not going there all the time, but I’m doing my best and that’s all I can do. My team is brilliant, and girls from skull collectors too of course. I’m sure the girls from the other team, that use to be hells belles, are brilliant as well but as I said before because I’ve hardly been there I’ve only seen the girls I have team training with and I’d love to get to know everybody better.
Our coach Uncle Slam is a fucking legend, he is so dedicated and always thinking about new things we can try. He’s always there to help when we don’t know what we’re doing, patient with people who are rude or short or dumb with him. He’s just fucking brilliant and I want to buy him a present for being such a bloody brilliant coach and person.
We’re quite a diverse bunch and yet we all seem to get on and have a ball, I fucking love it *huge smile*.

I’m living at home with just my mum and sister (brother left yesterday, for hopefully only 9 months). I have a reverse cycle air-conditioned room (it’s a tiny room though L) with a mother that cooks and cleans. Cleans as in, she doesn’t like anybody else cleaning things like the dishes because she’s a tad neurotic haha. I do my own washing and clean up whatever I can, but I don’t have to cook or do the dishes. And it’s mother cooking, so a well rounded healthy diet of tastiness.

THat's all for now, i'll continue soon.

work, life, family, derby

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