Jul 06, 2008 00:43
And so it's here: Doctor Who 4x13.
Wonderful episode. Absolutely wonderful. To be honest, I don't understand the hate this episode has been getting. I've always been a huge Rose fanboy, and to see her finally wind up with The Doctor was pure awesome. On the same page, though, I had a hard time appreciating Donna throughout the series. I really loved Rose, I liked the Martha moments, but Donna seemed just sub-par.
However, in 4x13, Donna really turned out to be something. I can't help but wonder if the writers intended the audience to have a bit of a bleh attitude towards her throughout the main part of the season, since she really comes out of her shell in the last few episodes. By the conclusion of Journey's End, I found myself really feeling for Donna, where at the beginning of Turn Left, I didn't care for her at all.
It was lovely to see Davros show up, too. I didn't think a villain would be able to match John Simm's portrayal of The Master (and it's no secret just how much I loved Last of the Time Lords), but Davros comes pretty close. That and I have such a Dalek obsession. Johanna and I must have confused half of Stockholm with our cries of "Exterminate!"
So, Donna-closure, Rose-closure, Tennant-fanning (OMG 2x TENNANT, or a Twennant, if you will), Torchwood-love, gratuitious use of Jack, and even annoying Jackie and badass Mickey. Oh yeah, and SJ, I guess. One hell of an episode. Better than Last of the Time Lords? Yes. And that's high praise from me.
I can't help but wonder how you can outdo a finale like that, though. Poor season five -- you've got some big boots to fill.
Final thoughts: YAY for not regenerating, Tennant. Good boy.