just a note on my personality

Apr 07, 2008 04:23

im like anyone else easy going its hard press to deter me. takes and efert to affend me. im very blunt and open and ither one like this or they dont. ither way it dosnt bother me
i could go on but as dull as this all is id had hateto bore u futher with facts one dosnt with to hear.

such as sex is forever on my mind and involved in all i do. im very flurtashes whitch gents like but women hate. i speek openly and am asked many questions for whitch i have many ansers to. and although it satisfys the asker it can defer or ofend the people around.

even my movments have been called flutasious and beconing. bending over rather then swating, the way i spin around swifft and delicite arms composed and delicat, or the way i tend to rub my neck down to my colerbone when bord or lost in thought.

and the way i move my hips out of the way of something rather then steping to the side. even the placing of my feet they pick on when im standing still i rest on foot on the other and lean on somthing whitch im told trusts my hups out. i say its to do with ballay as a young girl. but most say its a show a put on for other. but truly i dont think how i move i just do what comfitable to me how ever it is vewed.

moves and telivision is not on my top faveret list but it dose quench my thurst when i am bord.

i prefer to read. on many different topics. war, drama, history,sci-fi, romance, and sex. iv read books iv heated, thoughs that have bord me, that have made me sad or cry or scream inside. thoughs that have shamed the human race and repulesd many alike. and with theis book one can tell with in the first few chapters and yet i read till the end no mater what the subjects. why it is i do not know i gess its a test to my nerves.

but ihave found many i have liked loved and even kepped.

but never have i been forced to stop reading even the dulest of novels have captivated me into reading till then end although for what perpose iv no understanding.and a good book takes me longer to read.bezar i know.it seams when i find something realy good iv no time to spare to sit down and finish it.

its like a move you watch the stupid dull ones just to see if their is atleast one sean that good. and when you watch a good one the phone rings or your kids wake or you end up making out threw the entire thing only to have to watch it again another time.

and if u fastforword to the last part u have seen you realize how much you wernt paying atention to. giggles. and bye then your flusterd and give up the persute to go fuck some one insted.

and so hear i end for if i dont i will continue to rant
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