If you haven't been following me on Tumblr...

May 27, 2011 21:55

...then you probably have no idea what I've been up to, because I'm awful about updating LJ. I do still read my friends page, though, like a silent stalker.

Anyway, under the cut is about four months of the bare bones that I've written there (so no lolcats, reblogs, memes, etc that I've commented on and still talk about what I'm doing) to give a rough sketch of life right now.

2011-01-23 11:44
On trying to work at a wildlife rescue shelter
“Also, saying that I want to massage the faces of many owls is probably a good way not to get me hired as a volunteer.”
-Agent Monk

2011-01-27 19:57
I misheard “Broken Social Scene” as “Rogue Gunzosha Suit” tonight and now I’m sad Rogue Gunzosha Suit isn’t a real band.

2011-01-29 16:10

Crap, someone awesome is following me! Now I have to post something other than lolcats, but I can’t draw. On the other hand, sometimes my job is hilarious.

I found this sign next to a recently-closed bar/saloon (BYOB, no less) in a nothing little town in Arkansas. It’s pretty representative of the whole place, I think.

Of you can’t read it or don’t believe it, it reads “PLEASE NO TRISH DUIMPING PLEASE” with random punctuation in the form of nails.

2011-01-29 21:21
I just listened to “A Little Priest” from Sweeney Todd while making my lunch for the field tomorrow. I’m kind of glad I switched from lunch meats.

2011-02-16 15:03

So I accidentally reminded someone awesome that I exist and now I have a new follower. Whoops. So, as seems to be a tradition now, have something that’s not a lolcat or whatever other crap I find on the interwebs! That means…

Another Installment of Real Life Adventures in Archaeology!

This last field session I just got back from was finishing up the project and going back over places we’d missed due to Arkansas’ ridiculously overkill archae regulations (must dig holes every 30m regardless of disturbed land, plowed fields, no water source, or OH MY GOD THIS HUGE FUCKING WALL OF THORNY VINES EVEN THE SURVEYOR SAID HE’D NEED A CHAINSAW FOR AND WE ONLY HAVE ONE MACHETE WHAT THE HELL). My team (“The A Team”) had previously found just about everything on our sections because we’re just that good. The other team (“The B Team”) were, shall we say, significantly undermotivated, and now, under new leadership, were finding new sites almost every day. This meant that while the B Team had new and interesting things to report every day, we had pretty much bum diddly. EXCEPT this one day during lunch, when a guy on the A Team found the pictured absolutely beautiful, probably Caddo point while looking for a good skipping stone for the nearby stream. My picture doesn’t do it justice, it was lovely…and just outside of out project right-of-way, which meant we couldn’t legally have seen it. We had to put it back where we found it.

And that was the sum total of the A Team’s archaeological finds last session. Ta da.

2011-02-28 00:31
I need Scout reaction gifs for this
- AKon: biggest, longest-running anime con in Texas

- over 700 people trying for 120 artists alley tables

- Sold out in under a minute

- I’m fucking in \m/

- I’m like a freakin’ blur here!

2011-03-07 00:14
Dear Pokemon and world in general,
Archaeologist =/= paleontologist. Thank you.

2011-03-07 11:13
I’ve played Pokemon with Sherlock in my lap before, so now it’s no big deal and something to sleep through, but I have Watson on me this morning going “Where did those little things go?? Behind this box?? Can I eat them?!”

Moriarty’s feelings on the matter remain unknown due to being an antisocial kitty.

2011-03-17 01:12
Dear Science Daily and world in general,
I’ve said it before, and I’ve said it again:


There’s a certain amount of leeway I’m willing to give the world in general, but any news source purporting to be scientific HAS THE KNOW THE EFFING DIFFERENCE. Even then, I viewed the mistakes with minor rage and amusement when dinosaur news popped up on my RSS feed of your “Ancient Civilizations” tag. Today, I got more miffed and left you feedback about it.

Then I checked my RSS tonight. AND THERE’S ANOTHER GODDAMN PALEONTOLOGY ARTICLE THERE. TWO IN ONE DAY. Look, I like Paleontology, it’s fascinating and I’ve done some work in the field, but keep it the hell out of the archae tag!

For chrissakes, world.

2011-03-23 01:45
I was planning on going to bed early tonight...
…but somebody in the Aywas forums started a thread about “Who’s the Greatest Superhero” and everyone was loving on Batman, so I wrote a freaking essay and now it’s nearly 2. And I must share.

Okay, I’m going to forgo talking about all my favourite characters here, and challenge the Batman love by throwing out someone I think is a truly heroic character who needs more recognition..

Guy Gardner.

You read that right. The loud, brash, brawn-over-brains Green Lantern everyone in the DCU (especially Batman) loved to hate.

Here is why he’s the most heroic: Guy came from a pretty screwed up family with an abusive father who hated him, and yet, unlike some other heroes with traumatic pasts I could mention, he doesn’t let that become his main focus in life, character motivation, or really, anything but an obstacle he has overcome and that makes him stronger. He doesn’t angst about it, but instead uses his experience as a way to connect with children, the troubled ones most of all.

When we first meet Guy, he’s a teacher (special ed, at that), very well-mannered and polite despite his later-revealed anger management problems (another obstacle overcome!), and was ONLY not chosen by Abin Sur’s ring to become Earth’s Green Lantern because he was farther away than Hal Jordan and Abin Sur was dying too quickly to wait. That’s the only canon reason.

The next time we meet Guy, he’s in a coma. In real life, DC wanted to have the new Lantern be black, so they had to get the previously-mentioned candidate out of the way, but in the comics, this translated to Guy heroically sacrificing himself to give his students time to get off a bus that was about to go over a cliff. The students were saved, but Guy and the bus went over, making Guy brain dead for a good long time.

When he finally got out of his coma, he was a changed man. He was aggressive, rude, and unlikable, and yet everyone else in the superhero community shrugged and figured that was just how he was - even Hal, who had met him before the accident - and no one stopped to think that maybe his massive, massive head trauma had maybe caused any of this. So, for a long time, Guy was the least-liked superhero to the other superheroes, and even when he was on a Justice League (International, the awesome one), he was always treated like that annoying bastard no one wants to hang out with. At one point, he got into a fight with Batman (the famous One Punch scene), which left him with further head trauma, making him very friendly, but functionally retarded. The rest of the “heroes” wanted to leave him this way. Let that sink in. They knew it was brain damage, but they didn’t want to help him. Even through all this mistreatment and mental retardation, he managed to court Tora Olafsdottir (Ice) and learn Norwegian for her. He’s not a stupid man.

Through various comic book shenanigans, Guy was healed from both the stupid-polite and emotionally-an-angry-child brain damages, remembers everything that has happened to him and who did it, and doesn’t hold a grudge about any of it. He’s an Honour Guard in the Green Lanterns, which means that even though the Guardians (cosmic dicks that they are) very rarely approve of him, they do believe that he is the Right Man for the Job, no matter what that job may be, and the whole Corps trusts him to back them up in times of trouble.

I already have a whole essay up there, so forgive the necessary glossing over of 40 years of years of canon and leaving a bunch out.

tl;dr Guy Gardner is better than Batman.

2011-03-25 23:42
When I worked at the Logan Museum of Anthropology at my college, I was once given a huge collection of something like 2500 tiny arrow/spear points to catalogue and write itty bitty numbers on with a quill pen and a jar of ink for the collection records. Since at any given time there were hundreds of artifacts on the little table in the Isolation Room that I claimed as my private office, I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any of the little bastards, so I organized each batch into aggressively neat rows and columns in the most anal manner possible (…also sorted by colour due to the white or black ink I’d have to use). People coming in were in awe of the organization, but also accused me of having OCD (I told them to see my dorm room and still think that).

Now, according to tellmanystories, the Head Collections Manager uses a picture of me and my tiny, ruthlessly disciplined legion of points in her Intro to Collections Management class.
*heroic archaeology pose*

2011-03-29 18:54
Goddamn, I love Jonny Quest. Hanna-Barbera could not have made a more offensive, culturally insensitive show if they had tried. Every non-first world country inhabitant except for Hadji is a vicious, gullible, human-sacrificing savage and all Asian people are yellow-skinned, slanty-eyed connivers. On the other hand, every time Hadji does anything magical, no matter how ridiculous and “native superstition”-y is is, it always works. Go figure.

I like how, on these covers, Dr. Quest is only shown as a total damsel in distress, even though he jetpacks and pretends to be a god (and, okay, gets kidnapped a lot) in the actual show. He and Race were totally doing it.

I feel like Venture Brothers tries too hard. You don’t need to parody something that’s already a parody of itself.

2011-04-12 16:44
Whoever invented litterbox liners with holes in them so the clean stuff just sieves right out and the dirty stuff is left in a contained little bag is a genius.

2011-04-13 22:04
Wow, I went out shopping today intending to pick up the latest issue of (Young) Avengers:Children’s Crusade from the comic shop I used to work at. In addition to that, I also got:
~Julsce’s birthday present
~Shelock Holmes and Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Graphic Novel
~The Unnatural Selector laptop skin
~two broken Nerf Vulcans to use as weapons bases
~a new field backpack
~the Adventure! core rulebook
~The Eagle of the Ninth

So now I’m not allowed to buy anything else, but I’m hella pleased with all these things.

Oh, and I also found out that shipping boffer weapons FedEx is much cheaper than I’d thought, so maybe I can start selling online.

2011-05-06 16:11
Very early in the morning: TF2 update

Noon: Thor

Now: Portal 2

Later: The Magic Flute: The Inexplicable Ballet Version

Today is a good day.

2011-05-13 17:39
Real Life Adventures in Archaeology time!
Remember that post I just reblogged about real archaeology not being as cool as being Indiana Jones? I reiterate, fuck that.

Today, as promised, my crew made fun of Nazis, and I wasn’t even the one who brought it up. After that, we reminisced about giant swarms of army ants we have known and fled from.

I also had a hole where I couldn’t remove a shovel of dirt without finding another artifact.

I mean, today was also humid heat and boots that didn’t fit and a heavy pack and backbreaking work and thorny vines, but that’s exciting, too.

2011-05-14 19:54
It seems like everyone else on the internet (or at least Tumblr) is getting into Supernatural now, so I caved to peer pressure and started watching, too.

But I’ll bet I’m the only one who chose to do so right before driving out to a tiny, middle-of-nowhere town in a surprisingly slick car to dig up ancient Native American artifacts and avoid creepy locals shooting off explosives for no discernible reason on Friday the 13th. Sometimes, my life works out hilariously.

Also, I will never stop being amused when they dig up a six foot deep grave in the show without breaking a sweat. Damn, I wish excavation were that easy. I am sore everywhere right now.

- I did end up taking the third kitten from when we found them in the field, so now I have Sherlock, Watson, and Moriarty. They take up a lot of my time and attention.
- Archaeology is a weird field. I also hate it when people confuse it with paleontology
- I post a lot about Roman archaeology, but that didn't make it on here. Rest assured I talk about Rome a lot.
- My little boffer- and everything else-making business (Year of the Rabbit, remember that?) is going to be at the Artist Alley at AKon in about 2 weeks. Jesus Christ, I need to make more stuff.
- There's a whole bunch of fandom stuff up there, too, but mostly it wasn't germane to what's actually going on and, more to the point, is mostly reblogging stuff.
- I curse and exclamation point a lot on Tumblr. I have no idea why.

In conclusion! Go stalk me on Tumblr or get your own account so I can stalk you back.
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