More on the Torchwood front

Jul 24, 2009 22:04

You all know how I feel about the latest series of Torchwood. I've made that abundantly clear. What you should also know is what Russell T. Davies thinks of my (and anyone else's) opinion: (spoilers for CoE in the article)

'Torchwood' boss to angry fans: Go watch 'Supernatural'
'"It's not a backlash really," he scoffs. "It's just a few people posting online."'

Davies has nothing but contempt for those of us who have been his shows' loyal fans and I say we should have nothing but contempt for him. BBC Wales has a complaints page for just this situation and I aim to let the management know how much we, the fans, appreciate Davies' utter disregard for us.

Even if you don't like Torchwood, if you are a fan of ANYTHING and enjoy your opinions being valued, strike a blow for Producers Who Aren't Douchebags.

Russel T. Davies is a total asshole who thinks he doesn't need fans. Here is the BBC Wales complaints page to prove otherwise. Go.

While I certainly understand that Torchwood is marketed as a "darker" show than Doctor Who, there are some things that no show can do and survive. Killing off arguably the most beloved (and certainly most competent, sympathetic, and least morally reprehensible) character on that show is one of those unsurvivable things. Ianto Jones was far more the "heart" of Torchwood than Gwen Cooper ever was, and his practical, realistic reactions to whatever situation the team found itself in gave viewers a steady touchstone that was otherwise lacking in characters that were immature at best. I greatly enjoyed Torchwood, teenage-style drama and all; I thought that even though it was at times tacky and featured some characters I consider fairly awful people, it was a fun show and one that I did not hesitate to recommend to my friends.

Notice I that all that was in the past tense. I will no longer be watching Torchwood for as long as Russell T. Davies is involved with the show. With Children of Earth, he took the one reasonable, truly likable character away and undid a great deal of work the previous series had put into making Jack Harkness back into the likable character he once was. If Torchwood continues to go in this direction, it is not a show I want to watch, and I will be just as outspoken about how greatly disappointed I am as I was about how much I enjoyed it. Davies has made his opinions regarding his viewers extremely clear in a recent interview for Entertainment Weekly, and I find his comments to be frankly offensive. Though I am not a resident of the UK, and so am not the primary target audience for your programming, I am outraged on behalf of fans the world over whom Davies has told to go watch another show. While I disagree with his reasoning, I am taking his advice and will no longer watch any show that he has creative control over. I am sorry to be losing what was once one of my favourite shows in such a manner, but unless some drastic changes are made, I sincerely hope that no more Torchwood will be made.

Thank you for your time.

(PS: Today was my first day at work. More on that later.)

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