I didn't fail at ST-ing! Everyone had fun, I taught some people the Exalted system, and I met up with some people who already knew it (including one guy who's running a game right now and may want to start a new one soon for experienced players...)
The high points:
-people fighting over who got to play Joyful Artificer
-Running combat without screwing up
-having to figure out the hostile environment rules for a player-prompted swarm of rats. Vs the Wyld Hunt.
-the Zenith getting stuck in a River Dragon's nose
-introducing Resplendent Beats to a new group of people
-Orichalcum God-Kicking Boots. See the above point.
-getting the Eclipse and Twilight to repeat the ever-present Southern Baptist "hallelujah!"s after Beats said the Unconquered Sun's name
-a 16 success bouquet made of
blue morpho butterflies-a 23 success group performance roll for presenting that bouquet and accompanying 10 success haiku to the Mouth of Peace so she would be more amenable to calling off the Wyld Hunt
-that I actually convinced my players to walk into the Palace Sublime to try to talk the Mouth of Peace out of the Wyld Hunt
-when the players failed so hard at this (though without revealing they were Solars), that they gave the Hunt some very good suggestions for how to be more efficient
-Chejop Kejak trying not to laugh his ass off as he watched this
-Chejop Kejak telling them that they'd done a great service for the Wyld Hunt and that thy had 5 minutes before he released the hounds
-reducing a player to tears of laughter
-running a 6 hour game successfully, then sticking around to talk with people and maybe get an in on a game down here