A couple of interesting things happened today:

Apr 02, 2008 20:52

First, Jan Egeland, the former Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator of the UN, came to my Great Ideas in Computer Science class to talk about the effect of technology on relief efforts around the world. That was pretty neat, and he said (just so you all know) that small aid organizations should really stop trying to go to emergency zones, since nobody knows how to coordinate with them. They're better off giving the money they raise to large organizations. I figured I'd pass that along, 'cause if anyone should know, it's him.

The other interesting thing is that I'm no longer cataloging Early Middle Woodland rocks. Instead, I'm cataloging different, more exciting rocks. And by that, I mean rocks that were shaped from 78,000 to 1.4 million years ago. That's way cooler, even if it isn't as cool as Classical or Medieval stuff. For those who were here a couple of years ago, it's the collection dropped off by this guy who landed the helicopter on the Pearson's quad. This may be a special project for me next semester.

Also, I'm making a new boffer. Hopefully there will be pictures once I'm done.

life, work

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