The Zompocalypse happened last night, and on an unrelated note, I didn't go to class today.

Mar 21, 2007 12:22

Instead, I sent one of my profs this email, which sums it up rather nicely, I thought:

Despite the power outage, I did not accidentally sleep though the class due to having no alarm clock. I was well-prepared and set my watch after I found out about the main power. I had intended to come to class even though I figured most of the people would have fallen prey to the lack of alarm clocks so, at the very least, I could share with you the story of how half my floor ended up awake until after four, armed with closet clothes rods, convinced that we were in a bad horror movie (complete with broken emergency lighting, an eerie red glow and spooky noises) and that zombies were going to attack us at any moment. Instead, when I woke up, still unmolested by zombies, I had a terrible sore throat and felt generally sick and miserable. Rather than cough on and infect the rest of the class, I decided to stay home and drink orange juice.
Sorry for the absence and rambling email,


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