Mar 30, 2011 19:46
So Aurica, Elliot and Julian have hit over 1,500, Luke has hit over 7,500 and Ronan has hit NEVER YOU MIND.
So, anything goes meme! I WILL EVEN ANSWER SEXYTIEMS QUESTIONS though god only knows why you would ask given my line up of: Aurica, Elliot, Hope, Julian, Luke, Ronan, Stephanie and Traci.
Though. I guess you could bang Traci.
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First up, Julian has lost his powers before as part of a stupid Marvel megacrossover, which naturally means that Julian spent the vast majority of it in an altered state of consciousness as per just about every other stupid mega crossover. In this case, Julian was captured by the government after setting fire to ...shit I forget the park, out of protest and waiting for them to come and arrest him. So that part went to plan. Except that he gets the snot knocked out of him while he's got this helmet on him so he can't see (and I guess use his powers?) and then he spends the next month or whatever in prison while occasionally having his powers stripped out of him in a hideously painful procedure. GOOD TIMES.
So that backstory is relevant because when his powers got switched off, Julian freaked out! He remembers how helpless he felt when he was in prison and he was powerless. This time was made worse because he's even more dependent on people because he needs his hands to function at all! If it had been just him, he probably would have run off and worked out some way to lock the door and hide from everyone until it was over.
Then it turned out that Terezi couldn't see at all and was freaking out. Julian has this heroic streak a mile wide underneath his anger and bitterness and he can't sit back and watch someone in trouble freak out, especially if she's a friend. So he sucked it up, squashed his own horror down and did what he could to help her because goddammit, that's what Hellion of the X-Men would do and that's what he's going to do. Of course, it's different in Terezi's case because she has a bajillion trolls to help her out whereas Julian had Cess and that's it but that's ... not the point. Terezi was freaking out right in front of him and he couldn't ... not do anything to help.
Basically underneath the jerkishness and the angry traumatised teenager is a genuinely kind person who likes Terezi and doesn't want to see her freak out. It just takes him a while to show that level of caring.
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